Travel notices for Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are posted by the CDC regarding recommendations on postponing or canceling travel. They are based on the assessment of the potential health risks involved with traveling to a certain area.
For a current list of travel notices, please visit the CDC travel information page at: CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
Always be sure to give the airline your current contact information when you book your ticket.
If you were recently in a country with a Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak and have developed symptoms like cough, fever, difficulty breathing or flu-like symptoms within 14 days of return, you should:
Seek medical advice, however call ahead first before you go to a clinic or healthcare facility and tell them about your symptoms.
Avoid contact with other people to prevent possible spread of infection.
Avoid using public transportation.
Avoid crowded places or being in close contact with people to minimize the chances of further spread.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to avoid spreading the virus to others. Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose. However, soap and water must be used if your hands are visibly soiled.
Stay home and monitor your symptoms within this 14-day period.
Contact your local health authority or regional Public Health department and notify them of your concerns for further instructions.
The virus is now widespread in most parts of the world. For specific travel advice and restrictions, please refer to the Public Health Authority in your country of residence
If it is established that a COVID-19 case has been on an airplane, the people who were at risk will be contacted by public health authorities. It is important to give airlines your proper contact information when booking a flight. If you have questions or concerns about a flight you have taken and possibly being exposed to COVID-19 or similar concerns, please contact your local health authority for advice. At the time of this posting, the risk of being infected on an airplane cannot be excluded but is considered to be low for an individual traveller.
Current federal regulations require pilots to report to the CDC all illnesses and deaths before arriving in the United States. If a passenger becomes ill and is considered to be a public health risk, the CDC works with local and state health departments and international public health agencies to contact passengers and crew who may have been exposed to that sick passenger.
The risk of being infected with COVID-19 in an airport is similar to that for any other places where you have large gatherings of people.
Cruises like any other large gatherings, places a lot of people, often from different countries around the world, in close, frequent contact with each other. This can lead to the spread of respiratory viruses, such as the virus that causes COVID-19. It is then possible that people can get sick from being in close contact with an infected person, breathing in respiratory droplets from the sick person or by touching contaminated surfaces.
To reduce the spread of respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, it is recommended that the passengers and crew members follow these guidelines:
✔ Avoid exposure or contact to known sick persons.
✔ Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to avoid spreading the virus to others.
✔ Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose. However, soap and water must be used if your hands are visibly soiled.
✔ Avoid touching your face including your eyes, mouth and nose with unwashed hands.
✔ If you are sick or experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, difficulty breathing, stay in your cabin and notify the onboard medical service.
Wherever you travel, you should follow and apply the same basic general hand hygiene and food hygiene rules regardless of the travel destination. You should follow these rules even more diligently when traveling to areas affected by COVID-19.
These include:
✔ Avoiding contact with sick people, especially those with a cough or signs of an acute respiratory illness.
✔ Avoiding contact and exposure to animals and their droppings.
✔ Avoiding visits to places or markets where animals (live or dead) are handled.
✔ Washing your hands with soap and water OR using an alcohol-based disinfectant solution before eating, after using the toilet and after any contact with animals. However, soap and water must be used if your hands are visibly soiled
Be sure to check your temperature at home and if you have a fever or symptoms of cough, trouble breathing or flu-like symptoms, you should immediately contact your local or state health department for advice before seeking care. If you are unable to reach anyone at your health department, you should call ahead before going to a doctor’s office or emergency room. Be sure to tell them about your symptoms and that you were recently in a region with a Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.
For additional information: visit WHO travel advice
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