Does not Eating Cause Ulcer
Outpost Health
This article aims to delve into how eating habits can influence ulcer formation, identify the various causes and symptoms of ulcers, and provide effective treatment strategies and preventive measures
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Are high-calorie foods bad for your health?
Outpost Health
In our latest blog post, we delved into the age-old question: Are high-calorie foods inherently bad for your health? We dissected common misconceptions surrounding these often-maligned foods, exploring the science behind calories and their impact on overall well-being.
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Is Pap Good For An Ulcer Patient?
Outpost Health
Pap, also known as Akamu, Ogi, or African corn pudding, can benefit individuals with ulcers. While there is no solid scientific proof of pap’s role in ulcer treatment, it’s a bland and easily digestible food often recommended for people with sensitive stomachs. Pap is made from cornmeal and water.
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A Simple Guide To Portion Control
Cordialis Msora-Kasago
We know that we need to watch our portions but what exactly is a portion? While the most exact way of ensuring correct portion size is to measure food served using scales, measuring cups, and spoons, nutritionists agree that there may be a few simpler but more sustainable way of estimating portions.
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Improve Your Health With Bitter Leaf
Radiant Health
For generations, bitter leaf has been a mainstay in traditional Nigerian healing practices. From treating minor conditions such as rash, fever, stomach aches, insomnia, toothaches and general malaise to alleviating debilitating illnesses such as arthritis, bitter leaf has played a prominent role in
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Creating A Healthier Diet On Nigerian Cuisine
Radiant Health
Many women find themselves in a difficult place having to sacrifice the tasty Nigerian foods they love in order to achieve their fitness goals. The good thing is that you don’t have to completely punish your taste buds to become healthier. A healthy diet can still be achieved by applying a few eas
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